

1.自稱World Cop的山姆大叔總統選舉全世界都在看,雖然忙到焦頭爛額,沒有參與到投票與開票時刻,也學到一些歷史教訓。Bradley Effect被 integrated emotion蓋過。Bradley Effect原指黑人參選者的實際得票往往會低於民調顯示,因為某些有種族歧見的人事前通常不願意發表正確的意見。但Obama的出現,我只能說正是時機。在小布希胡搞瞎搞把整個共和黨甚至美國形象在世界上搞臭的同時,一個half blood prince的出現,把人們面臨不景氣的情緒整個轉移到渴望改變的期待上。雖然開票差距並沒有想像中的大,但從internet跟新聞媒體的報導,可以感覺到那幾乎將Obama視為"The One"的形象報導的氛圍醞釀。"Yes we can." 一句感性的slogan,聽多了甚至覺得有點恐懼....這是造神嗎?某期的天下有提到Bradley Effect的逆轉,也就是打種族牌攻擊Obama的策略會失效,因為白人第一次感到自己參與了"種族融合"的歷史時刻,與真正實踐"打破隔離"的精神呼召。而黑人族群就更不用說了,但對於那些因為膚色決定選票而跳過政見的黑人同志們,這樣的選擇出發點反而有偏差的危險。不管怎麼說,今年是見證歷史的時刻。

Madtv是一個美國短篇live show,以扮演惡搞為主(有點像台灣的大悶鍋),其中的主題也大多圍繞著美國人生活周遭的話題在轉(LOST檔案, Sex and the City, 購物頻道, 種族歧視, 加州州長, HBO Behind the scenes, etc),口條與發音都很標準,練聽力與紓壓不錯。以下是拿半年前民主黨內對決時的諷刺片段作例子,就知道偏激派媒體對於Obama的寵愛,真是到了"非君莫嫁"的境界。(有中文字幕)


註1:Bill Cosby的影集"天才老爹",台灣很久很久以前播過,看過的人大概都三字頭。
註3:"He smells like caramel!" "Hugs later! Hugs later!" LMAO~

2.Dear Edward and Elaine, it's good to see you finally dig a hole named marriage and put yourselves in it, congratulations! Thanks for the invitation card from the north country.
I wish I can visit your nest soon =>

3.I still miss the main theme called "blower's daughter" from the film "closer", introduced by Natacha long times ago. Someone sends me a link recently and reminds me about the film "Once".(中譯:曾經, 愛是唯一) The hero and heroine meet around the street corner and cooperate with music and dreams. Though reality stress them, finally they make it through. Here comes one of it's touched clips.

If you ever want something
You call, you call
And I'll come running to fight
And I'll be at your door
And there's nothing worth running for

When your mind is made up
When your mind is made up
There's no point trying to change it
When your mind is made up
When your mind is made up
There's no point trying to stop it

You see you're just like everyone
When you share your falls
All you want to do is run away
And hide all by yourself
When there's fall, there's fall
There's nothing else

When your mind is made up
When your mind is made up
There's no point trying to change it
When your mind is made up
When your mind is made up
There's no point even talkin'
When your mind is made up
When your mind is made up
There's no point trying to fight it
When your mind, your mind

There's no point trying to change it
When your

If you ever want something
Then you call, call
Then I'll come running

I like the scene with their voice kept high with harmony lasting, the expression and emotion outlined are awesome. I can feel strong power and will filling the room up.

I had that name before.
Before seeing the wings they have.
The place where I belong is in pais yet, it will appear after I break out the piñata standing front I guess.

4.The expectation and faith draw the borderline in our lives. The roads stretch on earth never end. Keep on going and bearing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that was extremely random... =P
It looks like we'll be visiting you before you have a chance to land here.
Till that day,
take care & missing you.